Monday, January 19, 2009

Exhaustion Continues

This weekend I spent most of my time sleeping.  I wake up early, take Bailey for his walk, and then when I get home and eat breakfast I'm ready for a nap.  No kidding.  During the week of course I can't nap in the morning.  I have to get ready for work.  But on the weekends I just indulge myself and sleep.  So I napped after breakfast.  And then again in the afternoon.  I did this on Saturday and Sunday.  

But this morning I stayed in partly because the nausea is really bad, and partly because I wanted to watch the inauguration.  Now the inauguration is done, but I'm still feeling gross.  And I have a lunch date with my friend Beth.  So I better rally and try to get into work.  I've got some ginger candy to munch on.  I hope that helps.

One last thought.  So it seems that I keep referring to our baby as a boy.  K keeps on referring to the baby as a girl and keeps throwing out girl names.  I really have no feeling whatsoever about the sex, but I guess subconsciously I think it is a boy.   My brother is hoping that it is a boy because he just found out that his child that is due in May is a boy and he has all these plans to form this mini-football team.  Too cute.  Of course little girls can play football too.  So it doesn't matter.  Boy or Girl.  We are thrilled.


alicia said...

I had feelings Twinkle was a boy all the way up until the ultrasound! haha, so who knows!! but I agree, no matter what its a baby! and that is sooo freakin awesome!!!! get loads of sleep, you need it, you are growing life in you, that takes loads of energy :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better now and were able to enjoy your lunch date.

April said...

:) hope you are feeling better. people swear by the ginger candy!

Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better, and you enjoy your lunch break. I see nothing wrong with your sleeping your creating life and that is alot of work ;0)

Candace said...

I came across your blog recently, and just want you to know that you have a new reader. :) I hate when people stop by my blog and don't leave comments. Oh well... congratulations, and hope that you start to feel better soon. I remember those "yucky" days with my daughter Grace. They are rough. And... don't worry, the napping is normal... take good care. :)

Bella said...

I hope you feel better soon! I'm thrilled for you :)