Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Symptoms?? Or simple mind?

So now I'm 6 DPO and I'm starting to have symptoms. Or so I think. Mostly I think I'm nuts because I have "symptoms" every cycle. I had weird poking pains coming from in my uterine area for the past couple of days. And today I've noticed that my breasts are sore. This doesn't usually happen this early in my 2WW. So maybe maybe. Errr. I don't know.

Being a scientist, I know that all the feelings I've had recently are not pregnancy symptoms. I probably just have indegestion or something half the time. The boobs hurting. I don't know why they should be sore already. This usually occurs before my period. But I'm going to go the logical route and blame it on my bra needing adjustment.

I'll let you know what other crazy things I feel in the next few days. I'm sure I'll be nauseous and craving pickles and ice cream for Thanksgiving dinner.

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